Saturday, February 25

Lovely Craft Rooms;

Lately I'be been getting my passion back for crafting & wanting to start my own blog shop selling my own  handmade stationary & I've been using pinterest as a source for my inspiration. So I've gathered some pictures of some lovely, creative & inspiring craft rooms! I thought these would be neat to post because any true crafter knows that their craft space is very important!!

Well I hope these photos do inspire someone else like they inspired me... None of them belong to me just so you know. & as for my blogging & crafting goals & projects for March, I plan to share them with you in a post coming up soon, which is something I plan on doing for every month now. That way I can share my monthly goals outline and follow up with an update of my progress later on in the month. Hopefully that'll keep me more motivated then I have been lately & I stay focused on finishing each goal that month, and if not all goals I'm going to try to get the majority of them completed. Anyways, I hope you had a nice weekend & hopefully you enjoy the unique & adorable interior decorating of these craft rooms!

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