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Saturday, June 1

End Of April - Progress Status

So it's the last day of April, and tomorrow is already gonna be May! How bittersweet is that? I usually feel a bit awkward during the last days of a month, because they bring me to reflect on all things that I accomplished & all the things I wish I would've made time for so I would've accomplished. But I try to tell myself that next month I will get better at managing my time & I will use my time more wisely & get even more done this upcoming month.

I've been working on a project that I've been wanting to share on my blog since March, but I guess I kind of put it off mostly during this month because of having to move... So as soon as I get everything set up in my new room & I get the furniture that I need so I can get comfortable, I'll get back to work on finishing up & start making new craft projects! This is May, I hope to stay more conscious of  managing my time better & try to use my planner more & not give up in the middle of the month...

So here's a sneak peak of what I've been working on, let me know what you think! & what are some ways that help you prepare yourself for the beginning of a new month?

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