Tuesday, January 10

HAPPY NEW YEAR (Fireworks #2)

Happy (BELATED) New Year! Yeah, I know I happen to be a little bit late on the actual holiday, but at least it's still only the very begining of 2012, so I'm not too bothered by the timing of my 'happy new year' blog posting! Besides it's never too late to say goodbye to the memories, lessons, experiences, joys, obstacles, dreams, goals, accomplishments, resentments, heartbreaks, broken promises, what was lost/gained, and the knowledge that was all a part of 2011 for me...

I had no idea how excited, relieved & ready I've been feeling to finally finish last year and have this whole fresh new start in 2012! I knew that it wasn't going to strike midnight & as soon as it would become 2012 I wasn't going to miraculously be freed from my flaws & become a whole new better person, obviously it's a special time for everybody but starting a new year doesn't magically just make anyone a better person... That's something I plan on working hard on myself. No one can make my life start getting better other than myself.

So this year, I don't have any set resolutions... But I'm working on building a plan for myself & my life. I'm done with talking about all of those dreams & visions I have about all the things that I could do but never really fully apply myself at. It's time for this year to be the one that I accomplish all those dreams that I picture my life could be full of. This is it, 2012 I'm living up to my potential this year!

Anyways, have a wonderful new year everyone! I hope that everyone goes after their biggest dreams & goals this year and accomplishes every single one of them ♥ Here is another list of firework photographs, this one is way longer than the last one that I did! I thought it would be a lovely theme to post for the occasion of this entry. None of these lovely photographs were taken by me just so you know.


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